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A trip into an urban forest - Kamaraerdő

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Teljes táv: 6 km
Össz. emelkedő:  140 m
Össz. lejtő: -140 m
Magasság max.: 212 m
Magasság min.: 128 m
Start: Kamaraerdő, Susulyka Street
How to get there:
by car: free parking at the entrance
by public transport: tram 41, 47B terminus; bus 87, 187, 287 get off at „Kamaraerdei Ifjúsági park”

A popular picnic spot that is well worth a whole day visit. Interrupt our recommended trip with a picnic on Nagy-rét (Large Field) and walk along the educational trail before proceeding to the nearby Memento Park.

Route plan

Instead of choosing the nature trail on the left take the earth road behind the barrier.

Nearly after 500 meters along the wide path you will arrive at the heart of Kamaraerdő called Nagy-rét (Large Field). It is a perfect picnic spot with benches and fire pits.

There you are likely to meet picnickers or school groups. The interactive playground with wooden xylophone and an unusual hopscotch is quite popular and also one of the stations along the nature trail.

Kamaraerdő nature trail Kamaraerdő is the largest contiguous forest of Újbuda where an exciting nature trail introduces the local wildlife and geological features. Each trail leads to Nagyrét (Large Field) in the center with an eco-friendly playground.

Passing the neglected forester’s house take the right side offshoot and follow the markers of the nature trail.

The path ascends from here but fortunately, Stations 8, 9 and 10 will provide a good excuse to take a rest. The information boards of this section introduce local fauna with bugs, birds and mammals. On sunny days we may sight lots of butterflies, such as swallowtails and peacock butterflies as well as bugs like strawberry seed beetles and protected stag beetles.

After passing the board on mammals keep straight ahead at the crossroads following the red circle marker and the marker for the nature trail. At the next crossroad leave the nature trail and turn right to the path towards Tétényi Plateau. It will take you to the edge of the forest where proceed left. Now you are just standing on the border of District 11 and 12 where Kamaraerdő and Tétényi Plateau meet. Here we can see the 42-meter-high Water tower of Budafok .

Head towards the tower and after passing it turn right at the barrier as a special open-air museum nearby is worth a detour.

Walk along Rókales and Szabadkai Streets that lead you to the entrance of Memento Park, formerly called Statue Park. It is a memorable experience both for those who saw the statues as organic parts of Budapest streets and those who were born later and cannot even imagine it.

Memento Park (Statue Park Museum) The large park displays gigantic statues and reliefs as memories of the communist era removed from the streets. We can encounter a piece of Hungarian history in a huge park. The original locations of the 42 statues are also specified.

After leaving the park walk back towards the forest. However, a sign tempts us to take the Tétényi Plateau Nature Trail just turn right and then left to follow the red circle marker. The slightly descending path takes you back to Nagy-rét (Large Filed) where you can take a rest.

The red marker takes you back to the starting point after a short walk.

If you continue the tour follow the ascending nature trail to climb Hunter’s Hill (Vadász-hegy, 224 meters high). The next information boards introduce geological and biological features of the forest.

On the top of the hill you will find a neglected military watchtower and a former military radar station. The local government is planning to remodel the watchtower and transform the radar station into a visitor center in the near future.

To the left of the benches follow the trail along a little winding path and you will learn about degradation time of various materials likely dropped by some careless visitors.

Upon reaching the dry creek bed turn right and follow the creek bed to the starting point.