Church of Hungarian Saints
The Church of Hungarian Saints is located at Petőfi Bridge in Buda, in front of ELTE Lágymányos Campus. As it is surrounded by university buildings it is an important spiritual center not only for local inhabitants but for students as well.

The Church was aimed to be the pavilion for Vatican in Expo ’96 and then remodeled and dedicated. However, the expo was cancelled therefore the Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest decided to modify plans and build the church.

The church and the parish house were designed by multi-awarded architects Ferenc Török and Mihály Balázs. Construction was financed by the Archdiocese together with donations from the Vatican as well as local and foreign donors. The foundation stone was laid by Archbishop László Paskai in 1995 and the church was dedicated by him next August. Construction was supervised by architect Dr. Tibor Benedetti.

The church covers an area of around 640 sqm with an additional columbarium in the crypt of the same size. The dome is 24 meters in diameter and the interior is complemented by apsidal chapels. Classical style is emphasized by Tuscan columns that separate the chapels. Numerous small windows create special lighting conditions inside.
The exterior of the church is characterized by rubble stone and carved stone cover, stone tiles, simple brick walls, wooden beams and copper cover. The church has a small inner yard and it is surrounded by a green area.

The Church functions as the parish church for the catholic community of Upper Lágymányos. It wishes to commemorate canonized and beatified figures of the country. It was in 2001 when Archbishop László Paskai raised the church to the rank of parish church and renamed it to Parish Church of Hungarian Saints.
Right next to the church the Ecumenical Center of Lágymányos also plays an important role in the spiritual life of Lágymányos.
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