8-10 Bercsényi Street
The building was constructed for János Kutlánya in 1913 by the plans of József Sipos József. Original plans disappeared and only plans for an extension remained from 1956-57.

The owner was a lawyer until 1945, who also lived in the house. Downstairs functioned as premises for shops, while each level was divided into 8 large flat with a height of around ten feet. The landlord walked along the house once a month with a tinsmith and a woodworker to do the necessary repairs. Every flat had a storeroom in the cellar, in the attic there was a washing room and an ironing room. Every apartment had a kitchen with a wall tap and a cook stove. Water pipes were made of lead, the rooms were heated with ceramic stove. Some flats even had an icebox made of cork and tin. Windows were equipped with shutters from the beginning.
During WW2 flaat on the fourth floor were hit from Móricz Zsigmond Square. The lowest cellar was used as an air raid shelter where residents even tried to dig a well, however, the thick concrete foundation resisted. The owner emigrated after the war and the house was nationalized. During the Revolution of 1956 some of the materials prepared to remodel the attic were taken to build barricades.

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The constructor of the house, János Kutlánya built several tenancy houses in Lágymányos. He was a real self-made man, who once worked at constructions, later made living from horse trade and by trading lands he got rich and established a construction company. He was an active member of community life in Lágymányos.

Newspapers mention his name as a board member of bank, a host of a wine tasting event or a generous patron.
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